Contact Lens Fits

Contact lens fits refer to the process of fitting contact lenses to a person’s eyes. This involves determining the appropriate size, shape, and prescription of the lenses based on the person’s individual eye anatomy and vision needs.

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What happens during a fitting?

During a contact lens fitting, an eye doctor will take measurements of the person’s eyes and evaluate their eye health to determine the best type of contact lenses for them.

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The doctor may also conduct various tests to assess how well the contact lenses fit and function on the person’s eyes, such as checking the lenses’ movement and centration, and evaluating the tear film and corneal health. After the fitting, the person will typically be given instructions on how to properly care for and wear their contact lenses.

Types of Contact Lenses

There are several types of contact lenses available. Here are list of some including:

  1. Soft contact lenses – These are made of soft, flexible plastics that allow oxygen to pass through to the cornea. They are available in daily, weekly, and monthly wear options.

  2. Rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses – These are made of a harder, oxygen-permeable material that allows for better vision correction and durability. They are typically used for people with astigmatism or those who need higher prescriptions.

  3. Hybrid contact lenses – These lenses combine the features of both soft and RGP lenses. They have a rigid center and a soft outer rim for comfort.

  4. Scleral lenses – These are larger, gas-permeable lenses that rest on the sclera (white part) of the eye. They are used to correct vision problems such as keratoconus and severe astigmatism.

  5. Cosmetic or colored lenses – These are soft contact lenses that change the appearance of the eye. They can be used to enhance natural eye color or create a dramatic effect.

  6. Multifocal lenses – These lenses are designed to correct presbyopia, a condition that causes difficulty seeing at near distances as people age. They have different prescriptions in different parts of the lens to allow for clear vision at various distances.

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